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1. What do I need to build and run FGL applications?
2. Can I use any server to run FGL web applications?
3. Will search engines "see" my FGL applications and dynamic content?
4. Can I use any database with FGL?
5. Can I create web applications and desktop applications with a single set of source code?
6. Can I extend FGL with my own code and favorite add-ins and libraries?
7. Can I use the FGL environment with other languages?
8. Can I use my favorite IDE and program editor with FGL?
9. Can I securely distribute my FGL applications?
10. Will the FGL platform scale to the levels required by demanding applications?
11. How can I contribute some of my code to FGL and be more active in the FGL community?

What do I need to build and run FGL applications? Everything you need to build, run, and host FGL applications is contained in the free FGL download. This includes the latest version of the FGL programming language, as well as the current FifthGen Engine, which includes development tools, runtime engine, database, and high-performance application/web server.

Can I use any server to run FGL web applications? The FGL environment includes a high-performance application/web server specifically optimized for FGL, however, you can use any Windows or Linux web server that supports ISAPI, CGI, or FastCGI interfaces.

Will search engines "see" my FGL applications and dynamic content?
The FGL server includes an optimized page-resolution mechanism that allows FGL Active Pages (.AP and .APX) files to be accessed and referenced as standard HTML files (.HTM and .HTML). This provides complete visibility for your dynamically generated content to virtually all search engines. You may also access FGL Active Pages in their native format extensions to minimize or eliminate search engine visibility. Automated FGL page-resolution is only available with the FifthGen server, which is part of the standard free FGL distribution.

Can I use any database with FGL? FGL includes a tightly-integrated robust database with a message-based distributed architecture that incorporates high-performance relational, transactional, and integrated object technology with an xBase-like API. However, virtually any database platform can be used with FGL applications, including SQL, ACCESS, FoxPro, and others through FGL support of ODBC, DLL, ActiveX, COM, and other integration methodologies.

Can I create web applications and desktop applications with a single set of source code? The FGL environment can create Linux and Windows standalone and web-based applications from a common set of source code. Standalone applications can interact directly with 3rd party GUI libraries or the Windows SDK, or you can run your web applications in standalone mode via localhost or the FGL platform’s embedded browser using the same source.

Can I extend FGL with my own code and favorite add-ins and libraries? The FGL core system was designed to readily support external enhancements using industry-standard methodologies. Nearly any existing DLL, ActiveX or COM control, or .NET or Java assembly can be dynamically linked to the FGL core without any change to the existing resource. Additionally, the FGL environment has an enhanced set of APIs that provide advanced access to internal FGL resources and real-time execution environment. You can also create your own binary FGL libraries for inclusion in your own applications or for distribution or project contribution.

Can I use the FGL environment with other languages? FGL was designed to provide optimized solutions without excluding familiar options. Syntactically, many of your favorite commands and functions may already be included in the FGL language, but you can also re-register or override existing components to mimic other languages. Better still, the FifthGen application server includes optimized ISAPI filters and extension support as well as FastCGI integration to allow languages such as PHP and many others to run extremely efficiently directly from within the FGL environment – all while coexisting with FGL.

Can I use my favorite IDE and program editor with FGL? FGL source files (.FGL) and Active Pages (.AP) are standard ASCII text files that can be created and manipulated by virtually any program editor or IDE. Additionally, the FGL community is actively pursuing extended integration with popular editors and IDEs to include project management, syntax highlighting, context-sensitive help, and more. IDE extensions for "TextPad" are included as part of the standard FGL distribution.

Can I securely distribute my FGL applications? FGL allows for the secure distribution of web-based and standalone applications. Compiled versions of Active Pages along with binary FGL libraries can be distributed for web-based or localhost applications, and standard EXE files with optional accompanying FGL binary libraries can be used with standalone applications. No readable source code is required when distributing FGL applications.

Will the FGL platform scale to the levels required by demanding applications? The FGL platform was designed to incorporate all of the critical components of complex application development and execution into a single optimized environment. This provides a number of performance enhancements over individual task-oriented disparate systems. Additionally, these core FGL components are themselves highly optimized and engineered for dynamic interaction and scalability. The server architecture utilizes virtually every known performance enhancement and provides static and dynamic content significantly faster than comparable solutions. The internal database supports large stores of data over a message-based distributed architecture and includes the performance advantages of fixed-length relational structures with the power and flexibility of optimized object technology. Additional features such as automatic session synchronization and distribution further combine to provide an optimal environment for the most demanding of applications.

How can I contribute some of my code to FGL and be more active in the FGL community? First and foremost you’ve come to the right place. There are a number of ways in which you can contribute to the FGL environment and be more active in the FGL community. You can contribute any enhancement to the FGL language or overall environment by including the source code and accepting the standard FGL distribution license. The appropriate committee from Fifth Generation Systems (FifthGen) will then determine if it is to become part of the core system itself or offered as a free enhancement. You can also register a commercial FGL product or enhancement to the FGL platform through this web site. Beyond that, there are a number of areas within the FGL community in which your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Visit the community area of this web site for additional information.
