The FGL programming environment makes it easy to interact with low-level files and other
system resources through integrated functions and classes. Virtually any type of file can be
accessed, whether binary, ASCII text, database, or otherwise.
Generally, FGL puts low-level files into one of three categories: binary, ASCII text, or
INI file – which is a special instance of ASCII text. The simplest is the reading and writing
of ASCII text files, for example:
// specify a file
fname = 'c:\fgl\readme.txt'
<title>Simple ASCII file example</title>
<body text=black bgcolor=white>
<!-- display the file contents -->
<p><[ ! fname ]><hr><br>
<pre><[ ! fileReadASCII( fname ) ]></pre>
INI files are standard ASCII text configuration files that consist of name/value pairs
within individual sections. FGL provides function to access and interact with INI files,
for example:
// specify a file
fname = 'c:\fgl\server.ini'
<title>Simple INI file example</title>
<body text=black bgcolor=white>
! "Server Name: " + iniGetString( fname, "CONFIG", "SERVER_NAME", "" )
! "<br><br>"
! "Config Keys: " + iniGetKeys( fname, "CONFIG" )
FGL’s object support can be used to create wrappers around related data and functions.
This can be used to enhance the INI file interaction, as in the following example (NOTE:
the "objIniFile" class is included in the SUPPORT.FLB file:
CLASS inifile
local fname
METHOD new( fname )
::fname = fname
return( 1 )
METHOD get( section, item, defval )
return( iniGetString( ::fname, section, item, defval ) )
METHOD set( section, item, val )
return( iniSetString( ::fname, section, item, val ) )
METHOD delete( section, item )
return( iniSetString( ::fname, section, item, null ) )
METHOD GetKeys( section )
return( iniGetKeys( ::fname, section ) )
METHOD aGetKeys( section )
// get keys as an array
return( split( ::getkeys( section ), ";" ) )
return( filesize( ::fname ) )
ACCESS timestamp
return( filedate( ::fname ) + " " + filetime( ::fname ) )
// create an instance of the class
ini = new( "inifile", 'c:\fgl\data\mydata.ini' )
<title>Advanced INI file with object wrapper example</title>
<body text=black bgcolor=white>
ini.set( "config", "date", date( ) )
ini.set( "config", "time", time( ) )
ini.set( "config", "day", date( "DDDD" ) )
ini.set( "config", "month", date( "MMMM" ) )
! ini.fname + ", " + ini.size + " bytes, dated " + ini.timestamp
! "<br><br>"
a = ini.aGetKeys( "config" )
cnt = len( a )
for ( i=1; i<=cnt; i++ )
! a[i] + " = " + ini.get( "config", a[i], "" ) + "<br>"
FGL’s low-level file support includes a number of functions for the direct manipulation
of virtually any type of file including binary files through the use of file handle
references. FGL includes more than 50 low-level file functions for the advanced creation
and interaction of low-level files. Consult the FGL reference guide for details. The
following is an example of low-level file manipulation:
// specify a file
fname = 'c:\fgl\readme.txt'
<title>Advanced Low-level file example</title>
<body text=black bgcolor=white>
// open the file in read-only mode and get a file handle
hfile = fileOpen( fname, 0 )
if ( hfile < 1 )
return( "Error trying to open file (" + fname + ")" )
// read file one line at a time and add line numbers
while ( ! feof( hfile ) )
! "<font color=#FF8080>" + right( "000" + i, 3 ) + "</font> "
! freadline( hfile ) + "<br>\r\n"
// close the file
fileClose( hfile )