FGL programs typically consist of program files (.FGL) and Active Pages (.AP). Both
are standard text files that can be created and modified in any editor capable of working
with ASCII text.
TextPad Editor for Windows
FGL community members have created FGL-aware enhancements for the TextPad Editor for
Windows (by Helios Software). This includes FGL and Active Page syntax highlighting,
integrated FGL context-sensitive help, and basic utilities (compile, link, create
You can download TextPad and try it for free. If you decide to keep it, you can
purchase it directly from Helios Software for approximately $29USD. The FGL syntax
highlighter, context-sensitive help, and integration for the FGL utilities are free and
part of the standard FGL distribution.
See also:
Compiler | Linker | Librarian | Console | Debugger | Profiler | Project | Editor | IDE