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The FGL compiler is part of the freely provided FifthGen Engine and is used to create object code from FGL programs and Active Page source. It is invoked directly from the command line or from within your program editor (TextPad) or properly configured IDE. The default installation places the compiler, SLANG.EXE, in the c:\fgl directory and adds this directory to the system path.

The compiler will automatically display all warning messages to the console unless the /QUIET mode is specified. Warnings are typically variables that are used but not declared, or declared but not used. Neither of these warnings are critical, however good programming style seeks to remove the cause of all warnings if possible (or convenient). The warning message will contain the line number and specific warning.

Errors detected by the compiler will prevent creation of the object code and the error message will display the specific error and corresponding line number.

If you are using the TextPad FGL-compile tool, you can double click on the warning or error message to immediately jump to the corresponding source file and line number.

SLANG (tm) Compiler   v2.0 Build 669
Copyright (c) 1996-2006 by Fifth Generation Systems, Inc., All Rights Reserved

usage: slang <inFile>[.FGL|.AP] [<outFile>[.FGX|.APX]] [/AP] [/PP] [/QUIET]
Syntax:    inFile[.FGL|.AP]     source file to compile, either FGL or Active Page
                                uses default directory unless specified
           outFile[.FGX|.APX]   optional object file output, FGX for FGL source,
                                APX for Active Pages
           /AP                  specifies that the inFile is an Active Page
           /PP                  output pre-processor code for Active Pages to the 
                                console. VERY useful for debugging Active Pages.
           /QUIET               does not echo warnings and errors to the console

Examples:  slang common
           slang common.fgl
           slang common.fgl mycommon.fgx
           slang index.ap /ap
Sample Output:    

SLANG (tm) Compiler   v2.0 Build 669
Copyright (c) 1996-2006 by Fifth Generation Systems, Inc., All Rights Reserved

c:\fgl\fglwebsite.fgl(89) : warning W0004: Symbol declared but never used: 'PARAM1'
c:\fgl\fglwebsite.fgl(134) : warning W0004: Symbol declared but never used: 'DISPMSG'

Procedures = 15
Externals  = 333
Classes    = 1

Code Size  = 8520

See also:   Compiler | Linker | Librarian | Console | Debugger | Profiler | Project | Editor | IDE
