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Currently, several FGL community members and 3rd parties are working on creating a full-blown IDE for the FGL environment. This includes support for existing IDE platforms as well as a fully customized IDE.

FGL IDE Project - Remote Debugger

One of the active projects within the FGL community is a remote debugger that would allow real-time access to FGL applications running on multiple servers simultaneously regardless of geographic location. If you have interest in participating in this project, please visit our community projects area.

Context-sensitive help for the FGL environment is provided as part of the freely available FGL distribution.

An online version of the FGL help is also freely available, as is the FGL source code that generates the help system. You can see this in action by clicking on the following image, or in the documentation area of this site.

See also:   Compiler | Linker | Librarian | Console | Debugger | Profiler | Project | Editor | IDE
