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FGL: v2.2, FifthGen Engine: Build #21011
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Compiler | Linker | Librarian | Console | Debugger | Profiler | Project | Editor | IDE

The FGL compiler is part of the freely provided FifthGen Engine and is used to create object code from FGL programs and Active Page source. It is invoked directly from the command line or from within your program editor (TextPad) or properly configured IDE...

The FGL linker is part of the freely provided FifthGen Engine and is used to create standalone Windows and console executables from FGL object code and libraries. It is invoked directly from the command line or from within your program editor (TextPad) or properly configured IDE...

The librarian provides advanced options for the creation and maintenance of complex binary libraries. It can quickly combine object code into a single optimized library, or it can be used to remove and/or replace individual classes and functions from existing libraries...

The FGL console window displays output content from running applications as well as overall server activity. Server information shows pages served, cached content, 404 errors, as well as compiler warnings and errors. Output from print and println functions automatically default to the console window...

The FGL Debugger is an integrated part of the freely provided FifthGen Engine and is used to provide real-time debugging of standalone and web-based applications. The debugger is invoked automatically in the event of error, provided it has been enabled as part of the default system configuration, or manually upon hitting a preset break-point or upon encountering an embedded debugbreak( ) command...

The FGL profiler is part of the freely provided FifthGen Engine and is used to analyze execution performance of dynamic content (Active Pages) in a real-time server environment...

The FGL Project Manager is part of the freely provided FifthGen Engine and is used in conjunction with the FGL SMAKE utility to manage complex standalone and web-based projects that include multiple source files, FGL code, Active Pages, binary libraries, and other resources...

FGL community members have created FGL-aware enhancements for the TextPad Editor for Windows (by Helios Software). This includes FGL and Active Page syntax highlighting, integrated FGL context-sensitive help, and basic utilities (compile, link, create library)...

Currently, several FGL community members and 3rd parties are working on creating a full-blown IDE for the FGL environment. This includes support for existing IDE platforms as well as a fully customized IDE...
